This is what i have so far. Any changes or suggestions just let me know.While I was writing it i found it hard to make humorous so ill need suggestions on that and when laura goes to the zoo i was wondering if there should be some dialog or just actions.
Scene II: Going To School
(LAURA is sleeping
AMANDA enters)
Rise and shine, rise and shine. Amanda hurry up and get ready for school.
Yes mother.
Oh, go wake up your brother so he can get ready for work.
(LAURA walks into the leaving room to wake TOM) Come one Tom get up before mom gets mad.
Five more minutes.
(TOM goes back to sleep
LAURA leaves gets ready for school by the mirror)
(AMANDA walks to LAURA)
Laura you ready for school yet. Here’s some coffee too keep you awake.(AMANDA hands the thermos to LAURA)
Thank you mother. Okay im leaving now bye.
(LAURA instead of going to school head over to the ZOO)
random guy
(As LAURA walks to the ZOO)
Nice weather today isn’t it?
(LAURA speeds up and walks away without saying anything)
(LAURa walks up to the penguin cage)
(LAURA enters the apartments, no one is home)
Mom’s not home yet, I guess I’ll put some music.
(LAURA goes to her laptop and play some music and starts playing with her glass menagerie)
(LAURA goes to her laptop and play some music and starts playing with her glass menagerie)
(AMANDA walks in and LAURA rushes to turn off the music and starts typing)
How was school?
Ahhh school, school was good.
Really, what did you do today?
Today weeeeee learned a new format.
(AMANDA walks up to the laptop and takes it)
I went to the business school and ask your teacher how you were doing. And she didn’t know who you were. But that there was this very shy girl that got sick during the first test and never came back. What have you been doing?
Im so sorry I just didn’t want to disappoint you and see that look on your face. As for what I did, I just walked most of the time.
You walked for 10 hours every day.
Well sometimes I would go to the mall and today I went to the zoo to see the penguins.
Laura now a day everyone needs some sort of education. Without an education you don’t have many choices. Have you thought of marrying anyone Laura?
You know I can’t talk to people. I get nervous trying to talk to anybody.
Well have you tried finding someone online like on Facebook. This way you don’t have to talk to anybody.
Since you mention online there is this guy I met in this game I play. He seems nice but I don’t he lives around here.
Those people are probably weirdos in real life, I’ll just ask your brother to see if he knows anyone single for you.
This is great XD! I think it would be funny to add where Laura says I dont know a story. Is that the part where Amanda asks if she's ever liked anyone? Cause I think it would be great to add like... Well I do have this one person I like from the game I play...but I don't think he lives anywhere near us or is interested in me. Something like that ^^;